Turn After School Time
in Active Learning

Learning Environment Your
Child Deserves
Urjitah is a innovative and comprehensive after-school program designed to ignite the brilliance within children aged 3 to 12 years.we understand the challenges parents face in finding the right avenues to support their child's education and grooming needs. We believe in nurturing not just academic excellence, but also holistic development, personal grooming, life skills, and English enrichment At Urjitah, we are dedicated to creating a vibrant learning environment where young minds flourish, talents shine, and futures are molded with care. Join us on this remarkable journey of growth, discovery, and endless possibilities.

Building a school for human potential, with a focus on health and wellness, technology, creativity, and entrepreneurship.
How It Is Possible

Ignite Your Child's Passion for Learning!

Sparkling Minds After-School: Unlocking Holistic Brilliance!

Soaring to Success with Our English Development Program!

Excursion And Field Trips
Taking children on excursions and field trips allow them to apply their learning to interactive experience . It presents the information they have already learnt in a more fun and engaging context. It also helps them gain a better understanding of topics that are taught in the school

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